Bringing back the Davidic Terbanace,Worshiping God In Love Truth and Spirit
IF PRAYER IS to be spoken of at all, then the following words are naturally only meant for those who concern themselves with prayer.
People often have a wrong picture of how a prayer comes into existence, what happens to it, and how it further develops. Not every prayer penetrates to the Highest Ruler of the Universe. On the contrary, it is a very rare exception when a prayer is actually able to ascend to the steps of His Throne. Here also the basic Law of the Power of Attraction of Homogeneous Species plays the principal role.
A prayer which is seriously and deeply felt will be attracted to and itself attract those of similar nature, and come into contact with a power-center of a kind identical to the main theme of the prayer. These power-centers can also be called sections of the spheres or something similar — basically it all amounts to the same!

All these happenings will be easily understood by observing ethereal life. Here again justice lies in the fact that it is always the inner quality of the one who prays which is decisive. The fervor with which he prays determines the power, i.e. the vitality and effectiveness of the prayer.
A prayer embodying various intuitive perceptions, which still contain a certain measure of strength through the deep absorption of the one praying, will, in spite of its unconnected parts, thereby attract different things, and will also return different kinds of reciprocal effects.

The Lord’s Prayer alone provides everything for the seeker if he penetrates into it deeply and grasps it aright. He would need nothing more than the Lord’s Prayer! It shows him the whole gospel in concentrated form. It is the key to the Luminous Heights for him who knows how to experience it rightly. It can be both a staff and a torch for the advance and ascent of everyone! What it contains is absolutely immeasurable!1
Prayer requires profound earnestness. Pray in quietness and purity, so that the power of the intuitive perception will be increased through quietness and receive through purity that luminous lightness which will enable the prayer to be carried upward to the heights of all that is light and pure! Then the supplicant will receive that fulfillment which will be most beneficial for him and really advance him in his whole being!
He who does not feel the inner urge to pray may well refrain from doing so, for his words or his thoughts would inevitably dissolve into nothingness. If prayer is not felt deeply within, through and through, it has no value, and therefore will have no effect.
The best foundation for a prayer which may be expected to have effect lies in those moments of spontaneous thankfulness arising out of great happiness or of deepest pain resulting from heartfelt grief. In such moments a person is filled with one particular intuitive perception which dominates all else. This enables the main wish of the prayer, be it gratitude or a request, to receive undimmed power.

A prayer which is seriously and deeply felt will be attracted to and itself attract those of similar nature, and come into contact with a power-center of a kind identical to the main theme of the prayer. These power-centers can also be called sections of the spheres or something similar — basically it all amounts to the same!
The main wish of the prayer will become effective through reciprocal action. It will either bring calmness, strength, recovery, plans suddenly arising in the mind, the solution to difficult problems, or other things. Something good will always come of it, be it only increased composure and balance of mind, which will in turn lead to a solution and some way out of the difficulty.
It is also possible that the prayers sent out, having received increased power through the reciprocal action of homogeneous power-centers, will find an ethereal path to people who, being stimulated through this, will in some way bring help and thus fulfillment of the prayer.

All these happenings will be easily understood by observing ethereal life. Here again justice lies in the fact that it is always the inner quality of the one who prays which is decisive. The fervor with which he prays determines the power, i.e. the vitality and effectiveness of the prayer.
In the great ethereal happenings in the cosmos each variety of intuitive perception finds the homogeneous species to which it belongs, because not only could it not be attracted by others, but it would even be repelled. Only when meeting its similar kind does a connection take place with a consequent increase in strength.
Whether this results in any kind of fulfillment will depend entirely on the nature of the separate parts, which can either foster or hinder each other. However, in every case when praying it is better to send out only one thought as an intuitive perception in order to prevent confusion.
Nor did Christ intend the Lord’s Prayer to be prayed all at once, but in it He summarized that for which a person with an earnest volition may in the first instance ask with the certainty of being heard.
These petitions contain the foundation for everything which man needs for his physical well-being and spiritual ascent. They even give much more! They also indicate the lines which man should strive to follow during his life on earth. The composition of the petitions is a masterpiece in itself.

The Lord’s Prayer alone provides everything for the seeker if he penetrates into it deeply and grasps it aright. He would need nothing more than the Lord’s Prayer! It shows him the whole gospel in concentrated form. It is the key to the Luminous Heights for him who knows how to experience it rightly. It can be both a staff and a torch for the advance and ascent of everyone! What it contains is absolutely immeasurable!1
The real purpose of the Lord’s Prayer is evident in the wealth of its contents. In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus gave humanity the key to the Kingdom of God! It is the very essence of His Message! But He did not intend that it should be rattled straight off!
Man needs only to take note when he is praying to realize how often his attention wanders and how much the depth of his intuitive perception is weakened by repeating the separate petitions one after the other, even when he knows them fluently. It is impossible for him to pass from one petition to the other with the fervor necessary to a genuine prayer!
In His own way Jesus made everything easy for mankind. The right expression would be “easy enough for a child to understand”! Jesus particularly observed: “Become as little children!” That is, think as simply and look for difficulties as little as they do! He would never have expected anything so impossible from mankind as to pray the Lord’s Prayer, with the deep concentration it requires, straight through.
This should also convince humanity that Jesus wanted something different, something greater. He gave humanity the key to the Kingdom of God, and not merely a prayer!
It always weakens a prayer to make it manifold. Neither does a child come to its father with seven requests at a time, but only with that which is nearest to its heart, whether a grief or a wish.
This is the way in which man in his distress should also approach his God with a petition about that which oppresses him. In most cases it will be just one particular matter, not many at once! Man should not pray for something that does not really bother him. Since such a prayer cannot come to life deep within his intuition, it becomes an empty form and quite naturally weakens some other and perhaps really necessary request.
Therefore man should only pray for what is really necessary! All empty phrases should be avoided, as they are bound to fall to pieces and in time must foster hypocrisy!

The power of a prayer is not able to impel or force it upward; only purity with its corresponding lightness can do so. As soon as the urge to ask becomes alive within him, every person can achieve purity in prayer, although perhaps not in all prayers. It is not necessary for his whole life already to be based on purity, but while praying he will now and then be able at least to uplift himself for a few seconds in the purity of his intuitive perception.
Not only do the peace of seclusion and the deeper concentration made possible thereby help to strengthen the power of a prayer, but also every strong emotional feeling, such as fear, anxiety or joy.
This does not mean that the fulfillment of a prayer will necessarily always correspond to and harmonize with man’s earthly ideas and wishes. The fulfillment, in his best interests, reaches out far beyond these, leading towards what is best for the whole, not just for the earthly moment. If the prayer does not appear to be fulfilled this will be recognized later as the only right and best fulfillment, and the person will then be happy that things did not go according to his wish of the moment.
Now for the question of intercession! People often wonder how the reciprocal effect of a prayer of intercession, i.e. a petition for someone else, can find its way to a person who has not himself prayed, since the reaction must flow back to the petitioner along the way he has paved for it.
Here also there is no deviation from the firmly established laws. During a prayer the intercede thinks so intensively of the one for whom he is praying that his wishes are thereby first anchored or tied firmly to the person, and then start in their upward course from there. They can thus return to the other person, since the strong wishes of the petitioner have already become alive and circle around him. The one indispensable condition, however, is that the soil within the person being prayed for is receptive and, being of a like nature, offers an anchorage and puts no obstacle in the way.
If the soil is not receptive, thus unworthy, the fact that the intercessory prayer glances off reveals once more the wonderful justice of the Divine Laws, which cannot permit that help from outside through another person should fall on stony ground. This repulsing or glancing off of an intercession seeking anchorage in the person being prayed for, whose inner state has proved him unworthy, makes it impossible for help to come to him.
Here again we find something so perfect in this automatic and natural activity that man stands amazed before the unwavering and just distribution of the fruits of what men themselves willed!
Intercessions by people who have no definite inner urge from their intuitive perception have neither value nor success. They are as chaff before the wind!
There is still another way in which genuine intercession can take effect. That is when it acts as a signpost! The prayer immediately rises upwards and points to the one needing help. If now, in view of the way shown to him, a spiritual messenger is sent to give aid, the possibility of help reaching the person in need is subject to the same laws of worthiness or unworthiness, thus whether he is open to it or will repulse it.
If the person needing help has an inward leaning towards darkness, the messenger sent to help him in answer to the prayer cannot get in touch with or influence him, and must return without having accomplished anything. Thus the intercession could not be fulfilled because the living laws did not permit it.
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But if the soil is suitable then a genuine intercession is of immeasurable value! Either it brings help without the person in need knowing it, or it unites with the wish or prayer of the person in need, thus giving him greatly increased
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