Bringing back the Davidic Terbanace,Worshiping God In Love Truth and Spirit
God has in His authority given man the right to be what he wants to be,but He requires man to align himself to Gods ultimate will so that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Yes The good man is more than just being human good,he is "God good" Now this is the man who will leave a lasting inheritance for His children's children.You are asking,what do you mean? See this,In proverbs 13:22 We are given the legacy of this man.But for your knowledge,i would want you realize that this is written as a proverb,and we all know that proverbs were used as referrals and mostly to show what aught to be but is not.So you will agree with me that the writer was making a face in life for the past he has lived and the experience he has embraced.He has seen both the Loft-full man and and pride of a land be swept off and the children live to not show the same very expression of the father.Jesus is the express image of the Father,and by this we see His actual representation of His father in all His self Presentation to man.He says I do that which I see My father do.
You have read this scripture before,"Proverbs 13:22King James Version (KJV)
22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."Now many have used this as way to not be in reason to do anything,many sit in wait for the sinner to perish so that they may take possession of their belongings.I ask myself everyday,"why wait all that long if you can have it now?" The secrete is not in the waiting but in the action you choose today,if you do not make the right choice in life,this alone qualifies you to not be a good man.
A good Man Is an Example
Jesus was in simple terms shouting it out loud that My Father is my role model,I have confidence in Him,I believe in every step He takes and i know that there is no day His path will be misleading.You might now leave an actual physical wealth but lets start from Character. What do you teach your children by how you live your life,how you talk to your own age mates,how you dress,even how you handle situations at hand.We always do things the very same way we have them done in our families,right? that is how you get to tell that the man who just came out of the store speaks like the Jones family. Jesus showed us the right way and we hear of the same with the apostles,when they spoke people who knew them and had an estimation of there abilities spoke in ewe when they spoke after the ascension.Jesus was a good man
Good men don't quit
A good man never hangs his boot,they do hand there nets just because they dint get a catch in a night,they are persistent and giving up is not an option to them,they will fight to the end.Paul speaks it out right,"I have fought a good fight." He was a good man and he didn't any business quitting,it was his work to stay on the path and God was to make sure that He wins.That is a good man.......................................... to be continued...
by apostlecj
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