From the land of slavery to the shows of the red waters,they see a cloud of smoke and the raging anger of their previous master burning right up above their taking ability as human,they cried out to the captain and the face of the unseen God,they remembered not the pain in the past but wished to be in the past than live in the present time.I can feel the faintness of Moses' heart and yet because He was more skilled and had vast knowledge and taught to be a gentle man,one not able to scratch the face of his annoying environment but walk the fire and save the life of the very ones who will reject it and create a molten calf.
After the bizarre by the sea,a road where no road stands and the waters saluting the one they dint trust.The father sends his children food from above,a food that didn't have an earthly prototypes.He dropped manna meaning" What is it?" Now the reality was, to Paul's words And my God will supply all your needs through Christ.....He would give each and every one according to their needs.
Manna was manna but the one eating it was getting the days menu as it was there desire.To him that needed fish got it fro the same food,God made it possible for us to live and make a change...Lets put the peaces together.By this God made sure we are protected to the right time.
the secrete of the manna was to be to each all that they needed.just as He say i became all things for all people..
by apostle C J
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